Dr Daniel Gosling
Principal Legal Records Specialist at The National ArchivesAbout the author
Dan is an archivist and historian, specialising in the records created and received by the central law courts, from 1450–1800. His research interests are as wide-ranging as the legal records he works on, including gender identity in 18th-century King’s Bench records, the deeds and disputes of the Elizabethan Jacobean Bear Garden in Southwark, and the development of the Equity Court of Chancery in the 15th century.
Dan’s work includes improving the accessibility and visibility of The National Archives’ legal collections through cataloguing and document workshops. He was a curator of The National Archives’ 2022–2023 exhibition Treason: People, Power & Plot and co-author of the accompanying book, A History of Treason, contributing chapters on Anne Boleyn, the gunpowder plotters, the execution of Charles I, and treason in the American Revolution.